Friday, November 05, 2010

Lifeforce Bullying and Harassment Prevention Comic Book

AVAILABLE NOW: Lifeforce Bullying and Harassment Prevention Comic Book

bullying,harassment,comic book,lifeforce,teens,young

To Order Click "ADD TO CART" TO PURCHASE - $3.00

Bullying and Harassment Prevention Comic Book - LIFEFORCE COMIC BOOK

With the rise of Bullying and Harassment among teens and adolescents and the suicides that have claimed those bullied, Lifeforce comics addresses the issue in this special comic book. 

Five super-powered teenagers - Lightning Bolt, fearless leader and possessor of electricity, Firestone - dynamic fiery warrior, Counterstrike - crimefighter with ability to reverse any attack, Reactor - armor-clad powerhouse and Lightspeed - energy-powered super-speedster - must stop Agent: Bully from terrorizing today’s youth and using his power to influence others to do the same. 

Will the Lifeforce team succeed? And who among them was once a victim of Agent: Bully as a child?

This edition is magazine size with color cover and 16 b/w interior pages; $3.00. It features Bullying and Harassment Prevention contact information and sources on the backcover.


Bullied to death: They committed suicide because of bullying

An Important Message from Ellen About Bullying

1 comment:

  1. Very important topic. Children are so often victims of extreme teasing at one stage in there life. This is a very necessary discussion in this time we live. I was bullied relentlessly as an adolescent and through my teens in all grades of schooling. It is the worst feeling in the world to be made inferior by the actions and words of fellow classmates. Bringing this to light is very important and I for one support your comic.
